Re: restoring characters Characters that have been deleted in the last 30 days can be restored, but you must make a request to Mr Lincoln through email at
When you contact Mr Lincoln for a character restore, please include the following information in your email.
1. Account name
2. Character name to be restored.
3. School of Focus of character to be restored.
4. Approximate level of character to be restored (if you recall)

You must have space for a Wizard to be placed - if you have 6 characters now, we will NOT be able to restore a deleted Wizard.

What are Update Notes you ask? When we update Wizard101, we post changes and updates have been made to the game. Update Notes explain those changes and updates.  The updates below are only available on the Test Realm. Mega Snack packs will not appear on the Test Realm. For more information on how to participate in the Test Realm please click this link Update History To view previous update notes and learn about all the changes made to Wizard101, select a year and month below. Recent Updates to Wizard101 Test Realm - Members Only Test Realm 2012 Dec - Food Fight, Misc. Updates 2012 Nov - Azteca, New Spells & More 2012 Sep - Decorating Elixir & More 2012 Aug - Mega Pets Previous Updates to Wizard101 + 2012 + 2011 + 2010 + 2009 + 2008 Menu         Lost Pages Event | Ranked PvP Updates | Hair Styles | Unstitching  Reshuffle Change  | Furniture Sets | PvP Spectator Mode | Rank 10 Spell Quest Changes  New House | Sign Updates | Quest & Dungeon Updates | Spell Updates | Miscellaneous Updates         Lost Pages Event         Introducing Events A study group found a book that was supposed to be shelved in the restricted section of the library, and when they opened it up, they were possessed by its strong, dark magic. This magic was so powerful, so far reaching, that it touched six of our worlds, and found affinity with not only the students, but other creatures in the Spiral, binding them all to this magic’s will.  All Wizards who have completed "Unicorn's Folly" quest in Unicorn Way, come see me in the Wizard City Library at once, for I need you to investigate further!  Rewards for participating in the Lost Pages Events will scale to your level and the level of the creatures you are facing. A level 90 Wizard in Unicorn Way isn't going to get high level rewards, so seek out appropriate challenges for your level.         Changes to Current Ranked PvP & Derby         Changes to Current Ranked PvP & Derby To help offset the initial advantage of going first in a duel, the team that goes second will gain an extra Pip, or potentially a Power Pip, depending on the individual's Pip Chance. Player vs Player team match formulas will now rely more heavily on the level of the Wizards. This should greatly reduce uneven team matching and prevent "puppet teams". We have also made changes that will reduce the time you have to wait for a match to be made, both in the Player vs Player Matches as well as in the Pet Derby matches. New Leaderboards are available in the game for you to keep track of your ranking in Ranked PvP. These Leaderboards are not available outside of the game. Arena Ticket rewards for Ranked PvP wins and losses are now based on the PvP Title of the individual who competed in the duel You can now place a PvP Kiosk in your home and access PvP & Derby from the comfort of your castle. An Azteca themed Arena has been added to the mix! When this update goes to the Live Game, all current PvP ranks will be reset to 500. This reset allows us to end the current 'season' of PvP and start fresh with the changes listed above. You will receive a badge that reflects the status of your PvP rank the day this update is applied to the Live Game. This does not impact your Arena Ticket balance.         My hair is a bird!         Hair Styles! We have long recognized that one of the most requested features for young Wizards is the ability to remove their hats, as well as to change their hair. Now you can do both with one simple item: a hair style!  Hair Styles can be purchased in the Crown SHOP in the Accessories Tab. You will be required to choose a color when you make the purchase as these Hair Styles cannot be dyed. Hair Styles can be stitched to hats and Hair Styles will also be available as rewards from bosses throughout the Spiral (in random colors)! There are five styles to begin with: The Housemartin - a short over the ear cut for both males and females The Kestrel - a short above the shoulders cut with sweeping bangs for both female and male The Martlet - same cut as the Kestrel, but with an added accessory for both male and female The Owl - a medium length cut with sweeping bangs for both female and male The Swan - a stylish up-do for female characters and a wavy short style for males As we gauge the popularity of these Hair Styles, we may look to add new styles both with and without accessories.         Unstitching             Unstitching Eloise has been busy learning how to Unstitch items that she has previously Stitched for you. If you have items in your backpack that you've stitched, and you now wish to unstitch, simply visit Eloise in any world and select the 'Unstitch' option.  You must have room in your backpack for the new items or you will not be able to unstitch. This service costs Crowns. Choose an item you have already stitched.  This item will be destroyed in the process. Eloise will show you the two items  that will be returned to your inventory. Psst! Eloise also has new clothing in Avalon and Zafaria!         Changes to Reshuffle         Reshuffle Changes Reshuffle has changed. Each reshuffle card you have in your deck or sideboard can only be used once per duel and will not reshuffle back into your deck when cast.  This applies to regular Reshuffle that you have trained, and Reshuffle cards that come on items and pets.         Furniture Sets         New Furniture Sets Available! There's a new way to decorate, and that starts in the Crown SHOP! Look for the new Azteca themed Furniture Sets. These sets work a little differently, in that you get all seven items each time you purchase a set. The first sets are Azteca Furniture Set 1, Azteca Furniture Set 2 and Azteca Furniture Set 3.          PvP Spectator Mode         PvP Spectator Mode Check out the newly enhanced Spectator mode for PvP Duels! Now you can get a real sense of what your friends are doing, the spell that is being cast, the current health of all the participants and more! See for yourself! Please Note: The spell being cast is only shown as it is being cast, not before!         Changes to Level 88 Spell Quests Requirements         Updated Rank 10 Spell Requirements Previously the quests for the level 88 spells required you to have completed the level 78 Pet Quest for your school. See our previous notes on these quests.  This was an error, and the previous Spell quest is now required to obtain your level 88 spell quest.  Players who have completed their level 88 spell quest are not affected. Players who are currently progressing on this quest will need to check their quest journal for any changes in the requirements. Players who have not yet begun their level 88 spell quest will need to meet the new requirements before they can progress. Updated Rank 10 Damage spells quests.  If you are a minimum of level 88 and have obtained your level 78 spell quest, speak to your Professor to receive a quest for your level 88 spell.  Life School To qualify for the quest "Spiny Happy People" Life Wizards must have the Life Spell Gnomes! trained and be Level 88 or higher. Balance School To qualify for the quest "Hold That Tiger" Balance Wizards must have the Balance Spell Chimera trained and be Level 88 or higher. Death School To qualify for the quest "Avenging Assembly" Death Wizards must have the Death Spell Dr. Von's Monster trained and be Level 88 or higher. Myth School To qualify for the quest "Mark your Calendar" Myth Wizards must have the Myth Spell Basilisk trained and be Level 88 or higher. Storm School To qualify for the quest "Storm Warning" Storm Wizards must have the Storm Spell Sirens spell trained and be Level 88 or higher. Ice School To qualify for the quest "Winter is Coming" Ice Wizards must have the Ice Spell Wooly Mammoth trained and be Level 88 or higher. Fire School To qualify for the quest "Sunny Fundays" Fire Wizards must have the Fire Spell Rain of Fire trained and be Level 88 or higher.         New House to Craft         New House Available! Are you up to the Crafting challenge? If you are a Master Artisan, head to Avalon to purchase the recipe for this new house!  Remember, if you currently have the maximum number of houses, you will need to purchase an Additional Castle Elixir before you can craft this item.         Sign Updates         Sign Updates Many signs in the worlds have been replaced with icons where once there were words. Before After         Quest & Dungeon Updates         The following updates have been made to Quests and Dungeons of the Spiral.  Strangler Goblins, Night Goblins, Deep Dark Goblins, Hobgoblin Plunderers, Hobgoblin Blood Captains and Hobgoblin Fiends now all count towards the Goblin defeat badges. Players can no longer sneak past Dr. Katzenstein to reach Grunk. Sir Pike Del Lago should no longer block players who were disconnected or logged our during his conversation. Cuthalla has been replaced as the target of the quest "Summoning Pylons" - you will now face Yogash! Quest Helper will be a little smarter about which quest to select next, and many misdirection issues with Quest Helper have been addressed. It is now easier to obtain the quest item you need in many 'Defeat and Collect' quests in Celestia and Zafaria! Yay! Kensington Park in Marleybone has been shortened. Amphiba's & Praxus's Second Chance chests are now available in Celestia!         Spell Updates         The following updates have been made to Spells:  When Potent Trap is applied to Backdraft, the spell description will accurately reflect add an additional +10% to the total damage of the spell (not per pip). The spell itself was always working correctly, but the spell description wasn't displaying the correct information. The correct rank will now appear relative to the pip cost spent on Myth's Troll & Cyclops minion spells. Dark Pact can no longer be enchanted with damage spells, but can still be enchanted with Sharpen Blade. The Life Treasure Card spell "Black Widow" has been changed to "Green Widow". Supernova text will once again reflect when the player Criticals that spell.         Miscellaneous Updates         Miscellaneous Updates Sound Updates Sounds for the Minigames have been improved - play a minigame in the Fairegrounds today and check it out! Boris Tallstaff has had a bit of a voice change as he matures and takes on more responsibility in the Library. Window Updates You can now use your mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out on preview windows such as your backpack preview, or shopping preview windows. Badge Updates Lady of the Falling Sky badge and Transcendent Crafter badge should no longer overlap. Henchmen Updates Shatter and Pierce have been removed from Henchmen Decks. Housing Updates Tribal Hangie housing item is now correctly listed as a Wall Hanging. Players will no longer be forced to turn and face housing objects when you use them. Item Updates Additional Castle Space Elixir has been renamed to Additional Castle Elixir to better reflect that it unlocks a space for an additional Castle space in your inventory. The Vindicator's Robe can now be correctly dyed orange. The Recipe for Banded Boots was mislabeled as "High Road Striders" - this has been corrected. The Chieftain's Crown now comes with the Ice Hound spell. All existing versions of this hat will upgrade to include this spell card. Wyverns have their voice and their smoke back! Shopping Updates Pet snacks will now sell for the correct price when sold in large quantities Rental Mounts will begin their timer on equip, instead of on purchase. This also means that Rental Mounts will not automatically equip on purchase. Crafting Updates Pierce Stanson will no longer automatically give you the recipe for "Seal of the 7 Seas", instead you must now purchase it from him, just as you have to purchase all other quest recipes. Gardening Updates Pixies will now disappear from a plant when it dies. Chat Updates Players who chat while in a Pet Minigame will no longer display as their pet name in the chat window

Now Available ONLINE! at:!
New! Up to Level 80 Gear Available
Now your Wizard can select gear up to Level 80 when you redeem the Hawk Rider Bundle. Get the most powerful gear options for your high level Wizards!

The Hawk Rider Bundle Includes:
High Flying Hawk Mount
2-Handed Hawkrider's Claymore
Ranger Outfit
Night Hawk Pet
Mystery Teleport Tapestry
5000 Crowns

The Ring of Fire Wiki
The Ring of Fire Wiki
After purchasing the Hawk Rider Bundle, the next time you log in to Wizard101, look for the Gift button to appear in the game. Click on the Gift button to claim your items on any characters on your account. * When buying the Hawk Rider Bundle Online, you are only getting the in-game items and not the physical card itself.